Stuck in....something

Do you ever get those moments in life where you truly feel like doing nothing? Or, in my case I have so many ideas and things to do that I don't even know where to start, so I just don't start anything. Ugh.

I spent the day yesterday with my friend that's redoing her bathroom. We came up with lots of ideas and I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I took a bunch of before photos so it will fun to post about it once progress is made.

Instead of boring you with more jib-jab, then I will take myself off to the outdoors to get busy. I hope to soon wow you with wonderful photographs of all the stuff I am not doing, so stay tuned to this station. If you start to hear just static though, well ya know I didn't ever get off the sofa.

I'm participating in a new "follow" linky. Check them out and get your name on the list!

Happy Wednesday!


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