Silhouette Love

I've wanted silhouettes of my kids for forever, but wasn't ever quite sure how to make them. Enter Young House Love with their handy dandy tutorial (see it here).
I couldn't believe how easy and fun these were to make!

I took some quick profile shots of them (should have had a solid white background and less shadows)then loaded them up and started working.

Since I don't have Photoshop, then I used the free version Paint.Net. I love this program and use it all the time. Get your own free download here. After I had done what YHL suggested with my version of photoshop, then I opened it up in regular ol' paint program and filled in all the light spots, as well as removed some, changed the shape of the bottom of the silhouettes and added a few details like eyelashes and wisps of hair.

Pretty simple right?! I just printed them right out on card stock and hung them up in our room. I love that I can tell exactly who it is when I look at them!
If you want to try it out and have questions, then you know where to find me...
WhisperWood Cottage


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